Thursday, March 13, 2008

My Spring Vacation

Blue Sky & Palms
Originally uploaded by In Shaw
Yes, posting was a bit light this week as I was off in Sunny Florida seeing the family and helping out the Florida economy. But now I'm back, and won't be able to break out the shorts and sandals again for a few months. Sigh...
I took a few pictures, like of these palm trees. And of State Road 192, the main drag going through Kissimmee (Kis-SIM-Me), which is next door to the great evil called Disney World, where the surfs of the Magic Kingdom toil with smiles on their faces. Anyway, there are pictures of the sidewalk or walking trail where tourists like myself, wander aimlessly from one mile marker to another.
Also whilst in Florida, there were a few governmental things I heard of and noticed that I'll probably blog about later.


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