Monday, October 06, 2003

Gentrification and Me issue 2
Home sick today so updating things between things.

Dealing with Neighborhood Change: A Primer on Gentrification and Policy Choices
This is a Brookings Institute report in PDF file format that attempts to take a neutral stance on gentrification by just defining it, looking at what causes it, identifying stakeholders and possible solutions in trying to create equitable development. It's about 80 pages so it is long. Washington, DC among other cities experiencing the change in demographics in particular neighborhoods are covered. DC and DC neighborhoods in particular, are covered in pages 54-60. They conclude that the causes for gentrification in DC are varied. Columbia Heights is given special attention. The footnotes and bibliography and all the facts packed into the report make it a good resource for anyone on either side of the gentrification arguement.

Chicago Matters: Inside Housing- Town Meetings

Although this is about Chicago, DC residents can feel the Chicago citizens in the town hall meeting in this audio report. As of today, the sponsoring radio station's audio library is down, but do try again. The focus is Lincoln Square where older residents are being priced out of their neighborhood due to the rising cost of housing.


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