Monday, February 18, 2008

Go Outside. Now.

Popped top on S?
Originally uploaded by In Shaw
The man on the TV said it was 70F degrees out
I took a little walk about this morning and it was just wonderful. The sky is blue and it is barely sweater weather, more like two shirts weather. I went on a picture taking trip looking for 3rd floor additions in Shaw, and found some. Also spotted families, dog walkers, doggies, hipsters, also getting out and enjoying the sunshine. If you're stuck inside an office, run out and just take15 minutes to bask in this lovely light.

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At 2/19/2008 2:35 PM, Anonymous bogfrog said...

I would like to know the history of some of these early pop-tops... Is it possible that some buyers exercised the chose to build atop and others did not? This one on S stands out because it's alone, while several others -- I believe on SE corner of S and 15th or thereabouts -- blend in because there's a group of them.

At 2/19/2008 3:54 PM, Blogger Mari said...

Actually, I've passed by this house on the 1100 blk of S several times over the years and never really noticed it that much. It was when I was looking at differences in height it stood out.


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