Saturday, October 14, 2006
History, me complaining, history, stuff about the immediate hood (Truxton Circle) and the surrounding neighborhood (Shaw), gentrification, demographics, and some more history.
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<---Hey shouldn't there be more to this article? Why yes, and if you are using Internet Explorer you need to hit F11 for a Full view.

Impressive! where did you get all that? certainly not whole foods, and the produce certainly doesn't look like giant.
Clicking on the photo should take you to my flickr page where I have where I bought all the produce. I went over to the Florida Avenue market area and hit Sam Wangs and US Beef. It isn't the most retail consumerfriendly place, and I don't know anything about the history and production of the food. All I know is there are no/few prices posted but it winds up being cheaper than Giant.
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No, I will consider it spam. Jimney Christmas, just because you the spammer says it's not spam, don't make it so. I deem it to be spam, thus it is deleted.
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